What is Pelvic Pain?

After giving birth, as many as a quarter of women suffer from some kind of pelvic pain. It’s a time when you physically need to be lifting and carrying your baby and it can be so difficult if you are suffering. But anyone can get pelvic pain at any time.

What is pelvic pain?

Pelvic pain includes pain in your pelvic girdle, pubic bone, sacroiliac joints and hips. There are lots of reasons for pelvic pain. This pain can be caused by the symptomatic area but often this pain is caused by dysfunctions in other parts of the body. Your pelvis can be adapting to restrictions/altered alignment and movement from anywhere in your body - your head, spine, upper body or foot for example, or restrictions in your nervous system and internal organs.

How we treat pelvic pain and dysfunction

With our Fixology whole body approach, we look for the cause of your pain, rather than just treating your symptoms. Often we uncover layer upon layer of restrictions and movement dysfunctions/strength deficits, before we get to the bottom of things. Every woman is different, but treatment is usually a combination of manual Physiotherapy techniques to release restrictions and optimise movement and function, including: