What is Visceral Manipulation?

What is Visceral Manipulation?

Visceral manipulation is a manual therapy using myofascial release techniques (manual pressure and stretching) over the body to release restrictions of the organs. We use it at Fixology to help with many complaints, including restoring movement after childbirth and C-sections.

When would you need it?

Your organs are attached to your skeleton with ligaments. They slide and glide to adapt to your body’s needs, helping you to move, breathe, empty your bowels, have intercourse etc. Sometimes they become restricted. During pregnancy, for example, organs slide and glide more to adapt to the growing baby and the space it takes up. Your kidneys grow by 50% and your liver gets pushed up and into your diaphragm. After birth the organs may have restrictions from being in a prolonged position due to your baby. Organ restrictions are commonly found on assessment after C-Sections, back to back deliveries, manual removal of the placenta, or if you’ve had previous abdominal surgery.

Common symptoms when organs are restricted

  • Abdominal, chest or Pelvic pain

  • Musculoskeletal pain

  • Restricted movement

  • Altered gut function

  • Constipation

  • IBS and bloating

  • Reflux

  • Painful periods and ovulation

  • Breathing disfunctions

  • Prolapse

  • Painful intercourse