What is Physiotherapy

We are a team of physiotherapists first and foremost at Fixology. We’re here to optimise your movement, function and strength, and to resolve your pain with manual therapies and rehabilitation. We listen to what you tell us and get to the bottom of your problems together. 

The Fixology way…

We believe that the more we know, the more we can do to help. We are always investing in our training and learning in wider health problems and new therapies and techniques.

Manual therapy techniques that we may use:

All of our physiotherapists are qualified Chartered Society of Physiotherapy members.

Have a problem but not sure how to treat it? Have a look at what we treat in the header above.

“After two years of worsening back pain and conflicting advice from various health professionals, I have finally found a team of physios who I have full confidence in. They have taken the time to look at the bigger picture and not just treat my symptoms, but get to the bottom of their cause.

— CAT JONES, Ultimate Frisbee