What happens at a Vaginal Examination?

As part of The Mummy MOT and Pelvic Floor Healthcheck we assess for prolapse and pelvic floor function with a vaginal examination. We’ll talk you through everything that will happen first, to check you are happy to go ahead.

Here’s what will happen step by step:

The Mummy MOT Practitioner or Physiotherapist will make sure that you are comfortable with the process:

1. The therapist will leave the room and ask you to remove your clothes from the waist down. You will lie on the bed with a towel over your lap

2. Your therapist will examine you first by observation asking you to contract your pelvic floor

3. She will do an internal examination. This will be with a finger, to check for prolapse and pelvic floor strength

4. After the examination, our therapist will leave the room to allow you to get dressed

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